About Us

If you have landed on this page it is because you are curious to know our history or you have inadvertently clicked on our “ABOUT US”.
Either way I recommend you take a quick read but if you have something better to do you have all my understanding.

Hello, my name is Mauro Maduzzi and in addition to being the improvised author of this article, I am also the one who has been called to act as a link between the tradition of a family passion and a future yet to be written.
I represent the last generation, not counting my children, of the Maduzzi family and I am responsible for our small but dynamic company.
Firstborn, but without any acquired rights, I manage together with my sister Laura, my father Dario and my mother Adriana a curious shop that we like to call ‘Laboratory’.

Our story begins in the 1950s with my great-grandfather Dario (in the photo), with my Nonno Gino and my Nonna Maria poor artisans, in a poor Italy to be rebuilt after the Second World War. A story among the many of that period, made up of dedication and sacrifice, of struggle and redemption.
Born in the Po valley on the banks of the Po from families of very humble origins, my grandparents find a way to survive by working one of the most easily available raw materials at no cost on the banks of the Po: the cane.
The bamboo or wicker canes spread along the banks of the Po were characterized by a fast and almost infesting regrowth making them perfect for low-cost processing of baskets and furniture.
Passion, tenacity, originality and last but not least great effort led my grandparents to develop a particular talent and knowledge of the subject until they were recognized throughout the lower Mantua area as ‘cavagnit’ (those who produce cavagne, or baskets).
I would not like to bore you with memories that are too distant and perhaps a little sad; what you need to know is that circumstances brought the two grandparents first to Gallarate in the mid-60s and then in 1973 to the shores of Lake Maggiore in Castelletto Sopra Ticino.

Gallarate was the place where the artisanal activity was transformed above all into a commercial model. The demand for the products was so high that my grandparents along with my father and mother thought about importing baskets from neighboring Yugoslavia and wicker furniture from Indonesia.
Restaurants, patisseries and hotels, as well as furniture shops became the main customers.
We therefore arrive at the 1972 year of opening of the shop on Lake Maggiore and also my year of birth.
Several years have passed since then, and we have gained a great deal of experience and a good name … and you could say so what???
With Amazon, Dalani or the future supermegawebsite whereyoufind anythingyouarelookingfor… why should I buy in your store???

Well, today we are facing an epochal change: whether it is an improvement or a worsening of the conditions of all of us, we will see it, but the fact is that the network has changed habits and customs of society at a stellar speed and we, alas, are called to understand them and make them ours.
The commercial experience is the basis to be able to keep alive a fundamental diversification in the product offer and to be able to guarantee a standard of service up to what we have offered up to now in our physical laboratory.
Our Mission, or speaking how we eat, our long-term goal is to open up to a wider audience in geographical terms by applying our knowledge to new communication technologies, but not letting ourselves be overwhelmed by them.

Our dream is to see millions of family businesses online, all with a particular story to tell. A bit like taking a tour of the cellars of a particular area and seeing that despite a common label denomination (Franciacorta, Barolo, Nebbiolo, etc.) there are stories of passion, sacrifice, territoriality, but also heterogeneous aromas.
Long live free enterprise, long live specificities, long live the possibility for anyone to participate in progress and not just a simple passive consumer of content and products.

I may have gone a little off topic taken by the impetus of the discussion…

Returning to us, today you can find us here, on a web page, handcrafted without many pretensions and you are considering whether to trust or not; For my part, I can only tell you to be calm and that on this side there is a serious family, which works (not so obvious), which has serious collaborators, who have been linked to our business for a long time and who are considered resources and it doesn’t cost, and that always puts your satisfaction first.

Mauro Maduzzi